Journal #30 – Starting REMISSION!!!

December 8, 2014

I am beyond excited to say that today, our girl has taken her last bit of Prednisilone (and Zantac). Tomorrow starts remission and we’re all praying for a very, very… VERY… long remission… Like, forever long.

She is still taking Prograf, will be for a few years. It’s not even a big deal. Such a small amount, twice a day, and it’s flavored real yummy.

I know I say this often, but… I’M SO PROUD OF MY NAE-BUG! She’s been poked, pulled, medicated, drained, thin, puffy, happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, and everything in between… But nothing has taken away her fighting spirit. She’s always done everything I’ve asked, no matter how hard or how many tries.

Through it all, she’s grown into such a beautiful girl, inside and out. She’s kind, polite, loving, and acts like a princess, with the well-known toddler orneriness. I could not have prayed for a better first daughter.

She was diagnosed about a week before her second birthday. That required her first trip to Children’s Hospital. So much changed when we brought her home. Of course our pantry and fridge were completely restocked, but she was so sick, she lost so much weight in the first few days. She had dark circles under her eyes from loss of sleep and she was weak and lethargic. She looked so little and tired on her Birthday day (which only us four and my parents saw her because of her weak immune system and the flu going around). And then all a sudden, the medications kicked in and she poofed up within a couple days, in time for her actual Birthday Party day (which only us four partied, because she more than deserved to be thrown her original party).

My Bug has been through a lot in the past 2-years. I wouldn’t change any experience or memory for the world. Everything that’s happened to her has happened for God’s reason and He’s made one very lovely girl, and a strong one at that.


For the purpose of showing her progress from the beginning and now at the end, hopefully… Here are three pictures.

The first is during her Birthday day (on her actual birthday). Here you can see the dark eye circles, her tired face, and little-worn down body.

The second is during at her Birthday Party day. This was taken just days after the picture above (not even a week had gone by yet).

The third is now… Triumphant again and we’re so proud. Healthy body and one happy little girl!


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