Journal#53 – Comfort & Confusion

August 7, 2016

This is what happens when Marvel’s personality, mood, and sleep patterns have been thrown off due to medicine… And when she’s on the brink of another relapse. We go into chill mode and try to keep things as mellow and happy as possible!
We’ve got mattress in the living room, low-sodium chips for snacking, video games, YouTube videos of Disney World, and me crocheting next to my strong girl.


It’s truly hard seeing her like this. She doesn’t want to be bothered, so sissy is being distracted with videos. My sister-girls are usually inseparable, wanting to be together even when it’s their “alone-time”.
Sitting next to Marvel to crochet, she was quick to let me know she wanted nothing crazy, she typically loves me coming to snuggle her and play.
She’s so distant in these conditions. I know it’s not her fault, and I’m trying to teach her about her medication and how it can throw her off on the inside to where it shows on the outside. She’s not old enough to completely understand, but I won’t stop trying.

I’ll be calling Children’s tomorrow to update them on everything. We’re struggling finding the right dose of prograf while also keeping her personality in tact and keeping her in remission. Praying my little girl comes back to us and for healing!

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